1987 - 22.03.2013
[as of 2014 ]
58 367 (2012)
All-time maximum population:
81 415 (1985)
The city is situated at the northern foot of the Stara Planina mountains range, near the Shipka pass, in the valley of the Yantra River, and is known as an international capital of humor and satire, as well as noted for its Bulgarian National Revival architecture. Gabrovo is also known as the longest city in Bulgaria, stretching over 25 km along the Yantra, yet reaching only 1 km in width at places.
Network Stats
Operator: "Obschinski Pytnicheski Transport" EOOD
System opened:
Last day of service:
Decision to close system:
Overhead length:
24,0 km. (one-way)
Number of routes:
Number of passenger vehicles:
20 (17 operable)
Number of vehicles required for service:
All-time maximum number of vehicles:
32 (1987+)
Network map:
A small trolleybus system serving a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains. Trolleybuses and diesel buses are operated by the same enterprise. Trolleybus routes currently operated are 31, 32, 33, 34. Trolleybuses and diesel buses are operated by the same interprise. The trolleybuses service is available Monday to Friday until 20:00 only. The Route 31 is operated with diesel buses on weekends, however, other routes are not operated on weekends at all. The Route 33 is the main trolleybus service operating every 20 minutes. The Route 31 is the longer version of the Route 33 that according to the published timetable operates during rush hours only on the 20 minute headway, theoretically brining down the combined headway on the main trolleybus corridor between the Routes 31 and 33 to 10 minutes. In reality during rush hours all trolleybuses operate on the longer Route 31 every 10 minutes, with no short-turn service on the Route 33. The Route 31 is the sole trolleybus service to the large residential neighborhood of Bichkinya in the south of the city. This area remains without trolleybus service during midday on weekdays, and on weekends, with diesel buses providing service instead. The Route 34 is a supplementary service operating hourly. The Route 32 has 3 journeys in the am peak, and 2 in the pm peak. Both routes 32 and 34 serve the Tekhnomat Line to the industrial park and the Depot in the north of the city. With no trolleybus service on weekends and no substitute diesel bus service provided, this area is not served by any public transit on weekends. The short Racord Line via Ulitsa General Nikolov to the former northern terminal of the city’s first trolleybus line, opened in 1987, is not used, but the overhead remains intact. Construction of the line via Mogilyov Boulevard was started, but unfinished and abandoned. Some overhead is in place in the northern part of the segment. If the line was finished, a need for diesel buses in the city would be reduced to a bare minimum. There are 20 ZiU-682V trolleybuses, however, some are not operable. 11 vehicles are needed to maintain service. Most trolleybuses appear to be extremely rundown. Fares are collected by drivers with passengers entering through the front door. Trolleybus service is often substituted with buses for no apparent reason. All things considered, trolleybus operation in Gabrovo is the least stable in Bulgaria.
Rolling Stock
A total of
ZiU-682V, ZiU-682V10, ZiU-682UA
: (1986,1987)
Photos on map
Photo gallery: Gabrovo Trolleybus Network
Last updated:
Complete Photo Archive
© 2002 Author: Yury Maller - Usage of material found herein for public display is possible with authors' permission only.
Special thanks: IKS and AK (Aleksandr), maps; Kostj Kozlov.