[as of 2014 ]


Founded: XV-XVI century
Population: 60 962 (2011)
All-time maximum population: 75 518 (1992)
Location: Vratsa

Network Stats

Operator: Troleybusen Transport EOOD

System opened: 09.1988
Overhead length: 24,5 km. (one-way)
Number of routes: 5
Number of passenger vehicles: 26
Number of vehicles required for service: 13

Network map: 2014
Timetable: 2014

All lines serve the single trunk line through the city center, hypothetically with an average combined 10 minute interval. Due to haphazardly written schedule, however, service can be uneven, with trolleybuses of different services often following one another. The Line 1 operates with a single trolleybus during morning and midday only, September to May only, with some journeys often unfulfilled. There is a twofold equipment surplus, however, vehicles are assigned to specific drivers with most trolleybuses operating for a half of a day only. Most Russian ZiU trolleybuses are in the best shape found anywhere in Bulgaria.

Rolling Stock

A total of 26 vehicles:
ZiU-682V1A : 17 (1990)
ZiU-682V-012 : 1 (1990) ex-Vidin (125)
ZiU-682UP : 4 (1985, 1986) ex-Pleven
Ikarus 280.92 : 4 (1990)

Photos on map

Trolleybus photo galleries:


Last updated: 1-June-2014
© 2002 Author: Yury Maller - Usage of material found herein for public display is possible with authors' permission only.
Special thanks: AK (Aleksandr), maps; Kostj Kozlov.

Vratsa Complete Photo Archive