France : Caen : Photo : Guided Light Transit GLT TVR Translohr Tram Strassenbahn Tramway Streetcar Trolley

Caen Guided Light Transit (GLT) Photos


The North of the System

Place Saint-Pierre
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The tram stop on the city’s main Saint-Pierre square is traditionally a focal point for city’s trams - classic trams of the old system, and modern rubber-tired trams.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Place Saint-Pierre
Bombardier GLT/TVR
Trams serving the Lines A and B meet at the city’s central-most tram stop. Timetables for both lines complement one another so the combined headway within the common segment in the city’s central area is evened out.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Place Saint-Pierre
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram loops around the city’s main square with the Castle of Caen in the background.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Place Saint-Pierre
Bombardier GLT/TVR
Most of the historic city center was destroyed in heavy fighting during the World War II. The city was rebuilt, but the central Avenue Saint-Jean lost its former geometry in favor of a more angular grid.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue de Geole
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram next to the walls of the Castle of Caen.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue de Geole
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The line via Rue de Geol curves around the walls of the Castle of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue de Geole
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram next to the walls of the Castle of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue de Geole (Place de la Mare)
Bombardier GLT/TVR
In the city center parts of some streets are converted into the dedicated GLT-only right-of-way, which practice takes up a lot of valuable space.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue de Gaillon
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The geography of the city provides for some steep grades for many streets radiating from the city center, hence, supposedly, the justification for the rubber-tired technology for trams.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue de Gaillon
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Esplanade de la Paix (Universite)
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram stop at the central campus of the University of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue de Edimbourg
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Avenue de Lausanne
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A specially built GLT-only ramp helps trams to navigate an particularly steep grade.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue de Lausanne Ramp
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A specially built GLT-only ramp helps trams to navigate an particularly steep grade.
( 17.02.2007 , Free license )
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram operates outside of the city’s street grid through the grounds of the central campus of the University of Caen.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram operates outside of the city’s street grid through the grounds of the central campus of the University of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue Proffesseur Horatio Smith
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The GLT line returns to city’s streets immediately north of the central campus of the University of Cane.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue Nicolas Copernic / Rue de la Delivrande
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A split between the two lines in the north of the system: to Campus 2 (branching off to the viewer’s right) and to Herouville-Saint-Clair (a straight move, to the viewer’s left).
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue Nicolas Copernic / Rue de la Delivrande
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A split between the two lines in the north of the system: to Campus 2 (branching off to the viewer’s left) and to Herouville-Saint-Clair (straight ahead).
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue de la Delivrande

A dedicated GLT-only viaduct over the highway on the line to Campus 2.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Boulevard Marechal Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The guiding rail attachment and detachment points with the signal guarding the switch. One of the benefits of the GLT systems is that the depot doesn’t have to be located near revenue lines. The given stop is the closest to the depot on the Line A, and thus is used for vehicles entering and leaving revenue service.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Boulevard Marechal Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT vehicle is entering service by way of attaching itself to the guiding rail at the designated port (in the front of the picture). For about 100 m. it is operated in guided mode but still under the diesel power.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Marechal Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT vehicle entering service reaches the first stop following the designated attachment port under the diesel power. The pantograph is seen going up as the vehicle switched to the electric power.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Marechal Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT vehicle in revenue service bypasses a guiding rail detachment point. GLT vehicles do need a designated port to attach to the guiding rail, however, they detach from the rail without a need for a port – the guidance rail on the right simply ends in the middle of the street.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Marechal Juin Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram bypasses a short-turn loop that is located just one stop short of the full service loop. The given loop is used whenever the tram service to the northern University Campus is not needed.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Marechal Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram returns from the Campus 2 loop. A rail branching off to the left leads into a short-turn loop.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Universite Campus 2
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram operates outside of the city’s street grid through the grounds of the northern campus of the University of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Campus 2 Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tight GLT tram loop on the northern campus of the University of Caen, at the end of the Line A.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Avenue Nicolas Copernic / Avenue du General Harris
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram navigates through a development of apartment blocks in the north of the city, at the beginning of the branch to Herouville-Saint-Clair served by the Line B.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Avenue du General Harris / Avenue Nicolas Copernic

The GLT installation requires continuous excessive maintenance. In this photo routine repairs are done while the tram is substituted with regular diesel buses. As work is done on the tram right-of-way that in many cases is built outside of the street grid, and as regular buses generally do not run on the GLT right-of-way, the substitute buses do not follow the tram line itself, but rather detour via closest available streets.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Rue de Lebisey
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Boulevard General Vanier (Pierre Heuze)
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue de la Grande Cavee / Avenue de la Valeuse
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A split between the revenue line and the tracks leading to the guiding rail attachment and detachment points. The given location is the closest to the depot, and thus is used for vehicles entering and leaving revenue service.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard de la Grande Delle
Bombardier GLT/TVR
One of the benefits of the GLT systems is that the depot doesn’t have to be located near revenue lines. In this photo a tram on the morning depot pullout run operates in the diesel bus mode as it approaches the guiding rail attachment port.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard de la Grande Delle
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram pauses to attach itself to the guiding rail at the designated attachment port.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard de la Grande Delle
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The GLT installation is notorious for technical difficulties and daily mishaps. In this photo a tram on the morning depot pullout run fails to properly attach to the guiding rail at the designated port, leaves the right-of-way, and heads back to the depot.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue de la Grande Cavee / Avenue de la Valeuse
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram on the morning depot pullout run enters the revenue line after attaching to the guiding rail at the designated attachment port located prior to the given intersection. For about 200 m. trams on depot runs operate in guided mode but still under the diesel power – note absence of an overhead. Also note that trams detach from the guiding rail without a need for a port – the guidance rail on the right simply ends in the middle of the street.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Chateau d'Eau
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram enters revenue service at the stop closest to the depot. The tram arrived at the stop under the diesel power, but switched to the electric power as the pantograph just went up.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue de la Grande Cavee
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The GLT tram Line B serves a development of apartment blocks in the suburban town of Herouville-Saint-Clair, located to the north of the city of Caen. Technically speaking the given line is an interurban installation.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Herouville Saint-Clair Terminal
Bombardier GLT/TVR
An imposing station complex at the northern terminal of the Line B.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Herouville Saint-Clair Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tight GLT tram loop at the northern end of the Line B.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Depot
Bombardier GLT/TVR
Diesel buses and GLT trams are neatly stocked up at the Depot.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue Leon Foucault
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram pictured in the vicinity of the Depot on the early morning pullout run. One of the benefits of the GLT systems is that the depot doesn’t have to be located near revenue lines. In Caen GLT trams reach the depot under the diesel power in the regular diesel bus mode.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Henri Becquerel / Rue Leon Foucault
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram on the early morning depot pullout run, operating under the diesel power. The tram leaves the industrial park where the depot is located, and heads for the Line B that runs to the east of the depot. Trams serving the Line A make a turn in the opposite direction, heading west.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Henri Becquerel / Avenue du General de Gaulle
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram on the early morning depot pullout run, operating under the diesel power.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )

The South of the System

Boulevard des Allies / Avenue du 6 Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram enters the city’s main Saint-Pierre square.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Avenue du 6 Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram operates on the main GLT-dedicated thoroughfare in the city center, with the Castle of Caen looming in the background. The old classic trams used to operate via the neighboring Avenue Saint-Jean, however, the new GLT line claimed the wider Avenue de 6 Juin.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue du 6 Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
In the city center parts of some streets are converted into the dedicated GLT-only right-of-way, which practice takes up a lot of valuable space. Private cars are not allowed to drive on the GLT right-of-way, however, as an exception cars do move over the right-of-way in order to reach roadside parking spaces alongside Avenue du 6 Juin.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Avenue du 6 Juin (Resistance)
Bombardier GLT/TVR
Most of the historic city center was destroyed in heavy fighting during the World War II. The city center was rebuilt after the war with grand, but less-than-historic buildings.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue du 6 Juin
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A bridge over the Orne River.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram near the Main Railroad Station stop.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram near the Main Railroad Station stop.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram in-front of the Main Railroad Station.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue Roger Bastion
Bombardier GLT/TVR
Regular diesel buses do not operate on the GLT right-of-way, however, there is one exception, as buses do run on the right-of-way throughout the 130 meter-long stretch of Rue Roger Bastion.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue Roger Bastion
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Rue des Muets

The entire street is given over to the GLT right-of-way with no other traffic allowed.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Rue Victor Lepine

The entire GLT network is built on a reservation as a dedicated right-of-way, which in most cases is done by way of converting parts of streets into the dedicated GLT-only lanes. This led to some curious traffic pattern arrangements. In the given case regular traffic moves head on against GLT traffic, as the street is divided in three lanes, each designed for moving in opposing directions of travel. Moreover, parking spaces are pushed half-way onto the sidewalk.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Rue Victor Lepine
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The geography of the city provides for some steep grades for many streets radiating from the city center, hence, supposedly, the justification for the rubber-tired technology for trams.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue Victor Lepine
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue Victor Lepine / Avenue du Capitaine Georges Guynemer
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Raymond Poincare / Rue Michel Lasne
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
Boulevard Raymond Poincare / Rue de la Lisiere
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A split between the two lines in the south of the system: to Ifs, Jean Vilar (branching off to the viewer’s right) and to Grace de Dieu (a straight move, to the viewer’s left).
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard Raymond Poincare
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A GLT tram operates amid private housing at the beginning of the short branch to Grace de Dieu served by the Line B.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue du Pere Charles de Foucauld (Rostand Fresnel)
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
The Grace de Dieu Terminal
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The short branch to Grace de Dieu mainly serves a development of apartment blocks at the end of the line.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Grace de Dieu Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A loop at the southern end of the B Line.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue de la Lisiere

Private cars are not allowed to drive on the GLT right-of-way, however, as GLT takes up the entire width of the narrow Rue de la Lisiere, private cars of local residents are allowed on the 200 meter-long stretch of the GLT right-of-way. Cars are not allowed to use it as a through street, and are forced to turn around at the specially designated loop at the end of the residential segment of the street.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Rue de la Lisiere / Avenue Flandres Dunkerque

Traffic signs allowing local residents-only to drive on the GLT right-of-way via the narrow Rue de la Lisiere, which is completely taken up by the GLT.
( Late 2000s , Google )
Boulevard de la Charite / Boulevard de la Concorde
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The GLT tram Line A serves a sizeable development of apartment blocks in the south of the city of Caen.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Boulevard de la Charite
Bombardier GLT/TVR

( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Rue Modigliani
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The southern branch of the Line A crosses Caen city limits into the neighboring suburban town of Ifs, effectively making it an interurban line. In this photo a GLT tram operates amid private housing between the cities of Caen and Ifs.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
Avenue Jean Vilar
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The GLT tram Line A ends in a development of apartment blocks in the suburban town of Ifs, located south of Caen. Technically speaking the given line is an interurban installation.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Jean Vilar Terminal
Bombardier GLT/TVR
An elaborate station complex at the southern terminal of the A Line.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Jean Vilar Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A tram enters a loop at the southern end of the Line A.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Jean Vilar Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A loop at the southern end of the Line A.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Jean Vilar Terminal Loop
Bombardier GLT/TVR
A loop at the southern end of the Line A.
( 06.09.2009 , Stefan Mashkevich )
The Jean Vilar Terminal
Bombardier GLT/TVR
The southern terminal of the Line A in the town of Ifs is an intermodal transfer point between the tram and suburban feeder buses.
( 10.05.2009 , Yury Maller )
The Jean Vilar Terminal
Bombardier GLT/TVR
An interior of a GLT tram.
( Late 2000s , Free license )
