Falkeplatz / Nikolaibrucke
Falkeplatz the way it looked at the beginning of the XXth century - looking east, toward the city center. The bridge acts like the western gateway to the city center. This area is now built over by modern buildings and a major highway intersection, while the creek is forced underground.
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Falkeplatz / Nikolaibrucke
Eigenbau / Poger Elektrizitats-AG
Falkeplatz the way it looked at the beginning of the XXth century - looking west. There is a split between tramway tracks right after the bridge - the Schonau-Siegmar line continues to the right, while the short line to Nikalaibahnhof (nowadays Bahnhof Mitte) continues to the left. The latter line existed between 1900-1916, and was later resurrected in 2004 as a apart of the new line to Hutholz.
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Zwickauer Str. / Michaelstrasse
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDE
The modern Schonau line is somewhat dull, featuring rare photo-ops with few remaining old buildings. The line was opened as a 915 mm (later 925 mm) horse track in 1880, and was electrified in 1892. The line was closed 1983-1988, upon which it was completely realigned and re-gauged to 1435 mm. The intersection shown is a virtual split between the old alignment that continued to the left via Zwickauer Str., and the new alignment that cuts straight ahead with tracks laid outside of the city street grid.
Yury Maller
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Kappler Drehe
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
The latest version of the Schonau Line runs via the backyards to the north of Zwickauer Str. The old 925 mm. version of the line used to run down Zwickauer Str. itself. The tracks were relocated when the line was re-gauged into the standard 1435 mm. between 1983-1988. Most of the new line now runs through the ragged terrain on the completely segregated right-of-way, giving it a rather suburban appearance.
Yury Maller
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Betriebshof Kappel
Düsseldorf / AEG
The old 925 mm. Depot is now a museum. The collection includes a static fleet of 925 mm. cars that cannot go anywhere farther than the gates of the Depot.
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Am Feld-Schlosschen
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Schonau-bound tram passes near the Kappel Depot via the new 1435 mm alignment. The old 925 mm tracks used to run via Zwickauer Str., on the other side of the Depot's property. The track on the right leads to the Depot, which is now converted into the tram museum.
Yury Maller
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Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Yury Maller
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Schonau Terminal
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
This terminal is a major tram-to-bus transfer, with buses turning within the tram loop. Trams turnaround clockwise, which allows for a track-crossing-free intermodal transfer. Buses continue to Siegmar, where trams used to go prior to 1980.
Yury Maller
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Schonau Terminal
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Buses carry heavy passenger loads beyond Schonau, to Siegmar and Reichembrand, where trams once operated between 1898-1980. This could potentially warrant the re-extension of the tram line. Plans for further extensions were floating ever since the reopening of the Schonau portion of the old line in 1988. The right-of-way was preserved beyond Schonau - the prospective corridor is marked by the storage tracks on the right in this photo.
Yury Maller
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Schonau Terminal
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Chemnitz's old DDR-era Tatra trams went through the most radical overhaul ever applied to such trams in the former Soviet bloc.
Yury Maller
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Reitbahnstrasse / Otto-Grotewohl-Str. [ex-Poststrasse, now Bahnhofstrasse]
Gotha / LEW T57+B2-62+B2-62
Line 5 to Altchemnitz was the first line to be re-gauge from 925 mm to 1435 mm in 1959-1967. Consecutive sections of the line were temporary closed to allow for work to proceed. The intersection shown became the temporary city center terminal for Line 5 for as many as 6 years, between 1961-1967. As of the date of this photo standard 1435 mm trams could finally go all the way to Hauptbahnhof.
Strassenbahnen in Osteuropa
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Annaberger Str. / Erdmannsdorfer Str.
Gotha / LEW T57+B2-62+B2-62
Train operates on the newly laid standard 1435 mm track just after the re-opening of the line. This section was closed for re-gauging in 1960-1961.
Deutsches Bundesarchiv
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Annaberger Str. / Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse
Gotha / LEW T57
Single tram operates in shuttle mode via a section of the line that was already re-gauged to 1435 mm, while other parts of the line are still temporary closed. Standard 1435 mm motor cars only were delivered at first, and operated over the new standard stretches of track in 1960. Trailers appeared in 1961 only. This particular section was closed for re-gauging in 1959-1960.
Deutsches Bundesarchiv
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Annaberger Str. / Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse
Gotha / LEW T57
Deutsches Bundesarchiv
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Annaberger Str. / Sudring
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Duo-voltage tram operated by City-Bahn suburban operator at the Altchemnitz centralmost intersection, which was the site of the first Alchemnitz Kirche terminal of the line, opened in 1899. The junction with the Hutholz branch, opened in 1979, is located right under the highway overpass.
Yury Maller
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Annaberger Str. / Olbernhauer Str.
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
The entire modern Alchemnitz line runs on a rather unassuming reservation down the median of Annaberger Str.
Yury Maller
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Annaberger Str. / Elfenschlager Str.
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Duo-voltage suburban tram turns off the main Annaberger Str. into the Altchemnitz Terminal.
Yury Maller
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Altchemnitz Terminal
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Two trams serving Line 522 meet prior to the beginning of the single-track suburban section of the Stollberg Line. This is also the terminal for Line 6 that operates on the joint timetable with Line 522 within the city limits only. While Line 522 is operated by the City-Bahn suburban operator, Line 6 is operated by the CVAG city operator.
Yury Maller
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Altchemnitz Terminal, DB Gate
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
City-bound duo-voltage suburban tram is pictured at the 'gate' between the city tram track, and the Deutsche Bahn track. While the city tram network is electrified at 600 volts, the DB track to Stollberger was electrified specifically for the 522 service at 750 volts. Note the non-electrified regular DB track diverging to the right.
Yury Maller
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Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Stollberg-bound suburban duo-voltage tram operates via the single Deutsche Bahn track in the vicinity of Chemnitz.
Yury Maller
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Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Chemnitz-bound suburban duo-voltage tram operates via the single Deutsche Bahn track outside of the city.
Yury Maller
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Stollberg, Hohensteiner Str.
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Suburban tram serving Line 522 enters the Stollberg Station, some 20 km. southwest of Chemnitz.
Yury Maller
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Stollberg Bahnhof
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Suburban duo-voltage tram at the Stollberg Deutsche Bahn Station, the Terminal of Line 522.
Yury Maller
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Stollberg Bahnhof
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ, Duo-Voltage
Suburban tram at the Stollberg Terminal of Line 522.
Yury Maller
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Stollberg Bahnhof
Regio-Shuttle RS1 Diesel Railbus
In Stollberg Line 522, operated with electric trams, connects with Line 523, operated with railbuses by the same suburban operator, City-Bahn. Line 523 runs via the Deutsche Bahn tracks to Glauchau, with 2 rush hour trips daily running as far Zwickau. In this photo the diesel railbus awaits for a timed transfer with the electric tram that is to arrive from Chemnitz.
Yury Maller
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Stollberg Bahnhof
Regio-Shuttle RS1 Diesel Railbus
Diesel railbus departs for Glauchau. A transfer between Line 522, operated with electric trams, and Line 523, operated with diesel railbuses, is timed. Chemnitz operators, however, are notoriously disobedient, with timetables often disregarded. On this particular occasion, even though the headway was 60 min., a tram from Cehmnitz was late, hence the railbus didn’t wait for the connection.
Yury Maller
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Sudring / Dittersdorfer Str.
Tatra T3DM+T3DM+B3DM; Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
Both high-floor and low-floor trams in this photo are serving the same Line 5. At the time of this photo high-floor and low-floor trams serving the same lines were alternated, so the low-floor feature would be provided with at least each 2nd tram. The connection between Altchemnitz and Hutholz opened in 1979, and was the first link between Hutholz, the largest development of apartment buildings in Chemnitz (visible in the background), and the city center. The more direct link via Stollberger Str. opened in 2004.
Yury Maller
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Sudring / Dittersdorfer Str.
Tatra T3DM+T3DM+B3DM
The Altchemnitz - Hutholz Line runs on the segregated siding along the Chemnitz's belt highway. The line is much busier than it could seem, as massive apartment building developments hide behind the trees to the right.
Yury Maller
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Stollberger Str. / Sudring
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDE Prototype
A direct link between the city center and Hutholz opened in sections between 1998 - 2004. The line runs completely on a reservation, and was built up to the light rail standards.
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Reithbahnstrasse / Bahnhofstrasse [ex-Poststrasse]
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
Tram arrives at Zentralhaltestelle (the Central Stop) from Bernsdorf, and is about to cross the largest tramway junction in modern Chemnitz. At the time of this photo 10 out of 24 low-floor trams were double-ended (the 9xx series).
Yury Maller
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Clara-Zetkin-Strasse
New post-World War II buildings alongside the Bernsdorf tram line.
Deutsches Bundesarchiv
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Bernsdorfer Str.
Linke-Hofmann-Buch + Christoph & Unmack, Niesky
The Bernsdorf Line was re-gauged from 925 mm to 1435 mm in 1969/70-1973. This photo was taken before the re-gauging, thus the featured tram is shown operating on the old 925 mm track.
Strassenbahnen in Osteuropa
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Fabriciusstrasse
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
The Bernsdorf Line features the only 1 km. long stretch of tracks with mixed traffic tram operation in Chemnitz. The Bernsdorf Line opened in 1893, but trams operated only as far as Rosenplatz (see a patch of green farther down the street in the background). The line was extended further, to Neuer Friedhof (Wartburgstrasse), in 1894.
Yury Maller
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Wartburgstrasse
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
Bernsdorf is located to the south of the city center. This area was spared by bombings in the World War II, thus Bernsdorfer Str. happens to be next to the only photo-op in the city with trams running next to older buildings of some architectural significance.
Yury Maller
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Wartburgstrasse
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Tram passes the short-turn loop Wartburgstrasse (the former Neuer Friedhof Terminal). This was the endpoint of the line between 1894-1913.
Yury Maller
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Augsburger Str.
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
Upon the re-guaging of the Bernsdorfer Line in 1969/70-1973, the short section of the line was relocated slightly north of the Bernsdorfer Str., with trams now running behind properties along the street. In this photo Bernsdorfer Str. veers to the right, while the tram track cuts straight through.
Bernsdorfer Str. / Wartburgstrasse
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Ulbrichstrasse
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
The site of the line's endpoint and the 3-point turnaround that existed between 1958-1969/70.
Yury Maller
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Bernsdorfer Str. / Pappelstrasse
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDZ
The outer section of the Bernsdorf Line is built on the reservation. The re-gauging and the slight relocation of the line in 1969/70-1973 involved demolishing some properties on the south side of Bernsdorfer Str., while buildings on the north side remain. The intersection shown was the site of the line's terminal between 1913-1958.
Misha Vareshkin
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Bernsdorf Terminal
Tatra T3DM+T3DM
This loop only appeared upon the re-gauging of the line in 1973.
Yury Maller
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Augustusbruger Str. / Martinstrasse
Tatra T3DM+T3DM+B3DM
Gablenz-bound tram crosses the railroad that encircles the city center. This is the site of the terminal of the very first version of the Gablenz Line, opened in 1900.
Yury Maller
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Augustusbruger Str. / Nurnberger Str.
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDE
The latest version of the Gablenz Line runs via the backyards to the south of Augustusburger Str. The old 925 mm. version of the line used to run down Augustusburger Str. itself. The tracks were relocated when the line was re-gauged into the standard 1435 mm. in 1976. Thus, essentially, the new Gablenz Line was built from the scratch. Most of the new line now runs through the ragged terrain on the completely segregated right-of-way, giving it a rather suburban appearance.
Yury Maller
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Augustusbruger Str. / Nurnberger Str.
Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDE
The old 925 mm. version of the line used to run down Augustusburger Str., to the left of the modern alignment in this photo. The relocation of the tram line involved demolishing some properties on the south side of the street. Since the new 1435 mm. alignment was built independently form the old 935 mm. alignment, the service interruption due to re-gauging for the Gablenz Line was the shortest among other lines, between 04-10.1976 only.
Yury Maller
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Bombardier Variobahn 6NGT-LDE
Tram near the short-turn Hans-Beimler-Strasse Loop, near Gablenzplatz, in the heart of the Gablenz neighborhood. This was the terminal of the new 1435 mm. version of the line, opened in 1976. The old 925 mm. line used to continue down Augustusburger Str. to Eubaer Str., for another 400 m.
Yury Maller
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Tatra T3DM+T3DM+B3DM
Train follows the newest as of the date of this photo stretch of the Gablenz Line, opened in 1977. The new section was built entirely on the segregated right-of-way, outside of the city street grid. The new extension replaced the old Eubaer Str. section, which closed with the line's re-gauging in 1976. The new line now runs slightly to the south of the old line.
Yury Maller
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Gablenz, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. Terminal
Tatra T3DM+T3DM+B3DM
This terminal is meant to serve the DDR-era development of apartment buildings located behind the greenery, invisible from the tramway right-of-way. The new Depot is located just beyond the terminal.
Yury Maller
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Gotha / LEW ET54
Museum car.
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Tatra T3D
Museum car.
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Tatra T3D workcar
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