[as of 2018 ]


Founded: 1870
Incorporated as city: 1877
Population: 89 004 (2009)
Location: Jalal-Abad

The city in the Fergana Valley. The 3rd largest city in Kyrgyzstan. An administrative center of the Jalal-Abad region.

Network Stats

System under construction until: 1991
Phase I length: 9,4 km. (one-way)
Phase II length: 8,6 km. (one-way)
Number of proposed routes: 1

A trolleybus project in Jalal-Abad was conceived toward the end of the 1980s, but was never realized due to collapse of the Soviet Union. Construction of the system continued until 1991 before it was abandoned. The road reconstruction and overhead support pole's installation was completed along 90% of the length of the Phase I segment between the Kok-Art apartment block development and the corner of Kurmanbek Ulitsa and Lenina Ulitsa. The overhead wires were purchased, but never installed. A lot for the depot was cleared, however, the depot construction was never started. The depot was to be located in the industrial park, near the intersection of Bemamat Osmanova Ulitsa and Rozy Azimova Ulitsa.

The routing of the Phase I of the trolleybus line was somewhat unique as it included at least two curves at the unusually sharp angle. The routing was designed rather cleverly and managed to serve two apartment block developments Sputnik and Kok-Art, as wall as two industrial parks, one to the west of the Sputnik development, and another one to the north of the Kok-Art development. Near the city center the line would end via a one-way loop with operation in the clockwise direction around a few city blocks. The starter segment of the line, however, would end rather far from the city center, as the distance between the last stop on Kurmanbek Ulitsa and the downtown area was about 1,6 km, while the distance to the city's main market was 1,3 km. This rendered the Phase I segment somewhat aimless unless the Phase II was completed.

The Phase II segment of the trolleybus line was to be built between Kurmanbek Ulitsa and Gorbolnitsa (the City Hospital) through the entire city center via Lenina Ulitsa and Pushkina Ulitsa. On Lenina Ulitsa trolleybuses would cross the railroad tracks in two places via level crossings. There are two routing options between Lenina Ulitsa to Pushkina Ulitsa - via Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa and Melnichnaya Ulitsa, and via a nameless boulevard in front of the city market and the City Hall, and Zhusupbeka Bakieva Ulitsa. Both options involve narrow streets and sharp turns. Considering project's openness toward one-way operation option shown in the design of the Phase I, it is possible that the one-way routing was to be used for the Phase II as well. The likeliest choice was to travel one-way via Oktyabrskaya Ulitsa toward Gorbolnitsa, and via Zhusupbeka Bakieva Ulitsa on the way back. No actual work was started on the Phase II of the system.

Network map: 1991



Last updated: 20-June-2018
© 2002 Author: Yury Maller - Usage of material found herein for public display is possible with authors' permission only.