Russia : Bratsk : Photo : Trolleybus O-bus Obus ETB Trackless Trolley

Bratsk Trolleybus Photos


An opening of the first trolleybus line.
( 01.02.1975 , BTU )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Podbelskogo Ul. / Yangelya Ul.
The main trolleybus junction in the city. The pictured trolleybus is on the Depot pull-in run, even though the Depot is located in the opposite direction. An access to the Depot for 22-y Mikrorayon-bound trolleybuses of Line 2 is not thought through, thus trolleybuses have to backtrack to Ulitsa Mira.
( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Podbelskogo Ul. / Yangelya Ul.
The main trolleybus junction in the city. At the time of this photograph, the given trolleybus was the only VMZ-6215 vehicle in operation in the world.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Podbelskogo Ul. / Yangelya Ul.

( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Obrucheva Ul. / Yangelya Ul.
A trolleybus is headed north toward the 22-y Mikrorayon. Another trolleybus serving the Line 5 crosses Komsomolskaya Ulitsa from right-to-left.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Kurchatova Ul.
A trolleybus crosses a junction with a non-revenue line connecting the main Komsomolskaya Ulitsa Line and the Depot, designed for Depot pull-ins. The Depot access line in the other direction is not linked to the main wirework. All Depot pull-outs are done via Gagarina Ulitsa.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Komsomolskaya Ul., the Rynok (Market) Stop
A chartered trolleybus is headed to Khlorniy Zavod. Technically speaking it serves the Line 1h (the Latin letter “h” stands for the Russian letter “x”), but this is not identified on a route display. This photo was made on a Sunday. Due to a round-the-clock production cycle at local factories, all factory-bound runs are done on an identical timetable, both on weekdays and weekends.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Gagarina Ul.
A junction at the base of a circular line encompassing a development of apartment blocks in the northwest of the city. Ever since the loop was completed in 1987, the Lines 1, 1h and (later) 1u operate via a counterclockwise pattern.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Gagarina Ul.
A junction at the base of a circular line encompassing a development of apartment blocks in the northwest of the city. Ever since the loop was completed in 1987, the Line 2 operates via a clockwise pattern.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Gagarina Ul. / Metallurgov Ul.

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Gagarina Ul. / Ryabikova Ul.

( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Ryabikova Ul. / Gagarina Ul.

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Ryabikova Ul. / Malysheva Ul.

( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Ryabikova Ul. / Malysheva Ul.
The 22-y Mikrorayon Terminal on the circular line in the northwest of the city, is actually an intermediate stop for the passing Lines 1, 1u, 1h and 2. This is also a site of the former 14-ya Shkola Terminal that existed between 1978-87, and was the endpoint for the first phase of the line.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Krupskoy Ul., the Sberkassa Stop
This photo is made soon after the opening of the Krupskaya Ulitsa Line, which marked the completion of a circular line encompassing a development of apartment blocks in the northwest of the city.
( 1988 , BTU )
Krupskoy Ul., the Magazin Meridian Stop

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Krupskoy Ul. / Ryabikova Ul.

( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Vozrozhdeniya Ul.
In order to provide a better trolleybus service to the apartment blocks in the vicinity of Vozrozhdeniya Ulitsa, in 2001 the trolleybus line was moved from Metallurgov Ulitsa near by, to the northern part of Komsomolskaya Ulitsa.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Krupskoy Ul.
The northern end of Komsomolskaya Ulitsa
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Podbelskogo Ul. / Komsomolskaya Ul. / Yangelya Ul.

( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Podbelskogo Ul. / Mira Ul.
A trolleyline loop around the square formerly known as the KPSS Circle (the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Circle).
( Late 1990s , Vyacheslav Kudinov )
Yuzhnaya Ul., the Teploset Stop
At the time of this photo the pictured section was the 2nd newest trolleybus line in the city, opened in 1989. The Lines 1 and 1h were rerouted here upon the opening of the line. In the early 1990s the 22-y Mikrorayon-bound trolleybuses serving the Line 2 operated here in one direction only on summer weekends in order to enhance service to the Bus Station. By 2010 the new off-peak service 1u was terminating at the Bus Station by way of turning around via Yuzhnaya Ulitsa.
( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Mira Ul.
A line to an isolated industrial park south of the residential neighborhoods, to the BLPK and the Khlorniy Zavod.
( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Mira Ul.
A line to an industrial park. The Bratskoe More (the Bratskoe Sea) Reservoir is in the background.
( 18.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Mira Ul. / Doroga na Khlorniy Zavod
A trolleybus on a chartered run to the Khlorniy Zavod pictured at the junction of the BLPK Line and the Khlorniy Zavod Line.
( 22.08.2000 , Aare Olander )
The BLPK Terminal

( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Doroga na Khlorniy Zavod

The Khlorniy Zavod Line. Upon the opening of the line in 1981 it was served by the Line 1 for about half-a-year. Beginning from 1982 only runs chartered by the Khlorniy Zavod operate here, officially known as services 1h and 3h.
( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
The Khlorniy Zavod Terminal

( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Podbelskogo Ul. / Deputatskaya Ul.
A site of the former DK “Metallurg” Terminal is in the background. Between 1976-88 this was the endpoint of the first phase of the line via Podbelskogo Ulitsa.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Kosmonavtov Bul. / K. Marksa Ul.
A section of the line between DK “Metallurg” and DOSAAF was opened 1988.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Kosmonavtov Bul. / K. Marksa Ul.

( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Kosmonavtov Bul., the Engelsa Stop

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Kosmonavtov Bul. / Engelsa Ul.

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
The DOSAAF Terminal

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Komsomolskaya Ul. / Podbelskogo Ul. / Yangelya Ul.

( 15.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Yangelya Ul. / 2-y Bezymyanniy Per.
A trolleybus line via Yangelya Ulitsa encompasses the western neighborhood of private housing via a semicircle. This line was opened in 1979.
( 30.08.2009 , Vyacheslav Kudinov )
Yangelya Ul. / Zhukovskogo Ul.
A trolleybus line via Yangelya Ulitsa encompasses the western neighborhood of private housing via a semicircle.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Obrucheva Ul. / Mira Ul.
A trolleyline loop around the square known as the Mira Circle (the Peace Circle).
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
Obrucheva Ul., the Magazin Kooperator Stop
The Bratskoe More (the Bratskoe Sea) Reservoir is in the background.
( 19.07.2009 , Vladislav Prudnikov )
Obrucheva Ul. / Volodarskogo Ul.
A trolleybus in-front of the Slavy (Glory) Memorial.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
The SGPTU-24 Terminal
An unfinished Palace of the Pioneers is in the background.
( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
The SGPTU-24 Terminal

( 27.08.2008 , Vyacheslav Kudinov )
The SGPTU-24 Terminal

( 16.09.2004 , Yury Maller )
The Depot

( 16.09.2004 , BTU )
