[as of 2018 ]


Founded: 01.09.1703
Incorporated as city: 21.03.1777
Population: 278 551 (2017)
Location: Petrozavodsk

The city on the Onega Lake, a capital of the Karelian Republic.

Network Stats

Operator: PMUP Gorodskoy Transport

System opened: 05.09.1961
Overhead length: 95,5 km. (one-way)
Number of routes: 7
All-time maximum number of routes: 10 (2007)
Number of passenger vehicles: 82 (67 operable)
All-time maximum number of passenger vehicles: ~120 (1991)

History of trolleybus development: 1945 - 2018

Network map: 2018 12.25.2017 2009

Timetable: 2017

A formerly premier trolleybus undertaking since the Soviet times, with frequent service, and well-planned sustained trolleybus network development. Trolleybus lines continued to be actively built even after the demise of the Soviet Union. By the mid-2000s trolleybus network covered practically all areas of the city. In 2010s, however, a deliberate campaign to cut back on trolleybus service has began, often under frivolous excuses such as state of disrepair of city bridges. Some routes were suspended, others rerouted via irrational one-way patterns, with trolleybuses now mostly resorting to peak service. New rolling stock deliveries were minimal by the end of the 2000s, and ceased completely since 2013.

Rolling Stock

ZiU-682G-016.02 : 3 [2008] + 5 [2013]
VMZ-5298.01 Avangard : 2 [2012] low floor
PT-6231 : 1 [2007] low floor
LiAZ-5280 : 14 [2005-2009] (remaining of 28)
MTrZ-5279-0000012 : 1 [2005]
VZTM-5284 : 10 [2003]
ZiU-682G, ZiU-682G-012 : 39 [1991-1995] (remaining of 50)
ZiU-682V, ZiU-682V-012, ZiU-682V-013 : 7 [1976-1990] (remaining of 138)

Formerly operated:

PT-5280.02 : 2 [2006]
VMZ-170 : 2 [1999,2000]
ZiU-682B : 48 [1973-1976]
ZiU-5, ZiU-5G, ZiU-5D : 85 [1961-1969]

Photos on map

Photo gallery


Petrozavodsk Transport (Rus.)


Last updated: 20-Oct-2018
© 2002 Author: Yury Maller - Usage of material found herein for public display is possible with authors' permission only.

Special thanks: IKS, SPEKTR-1 - maps