[as of 2013 ]


Founded: 202 BC
Population: 1 704 441 (2011)
Location: Bursa

Bursa is the fourth largest city in Turkey. It is famous for its peach, chestnut, and silk, although lately, heavy industry located in the outskirts of the city has surpassed these traditional industries. Bursa was the capital of the Ottoman State between 1326 and 1365. The city is notable for aggressive pro-tramway policies, encouraged by the mayor Recep Altepe, elected in 2004. The city boasts 3 separate tramway networks. Production of trams was established at the local factory Durmazlar.


Network Stats

Operator: Burulaş - Nostaljik Tramvay

Gauge: 1000 mm.
Tram system opened: Çınarönü - Gökdere (28.05.2011); - Zafer Plaza (24.11.2011)
Track length: 2,5 km. (one-way)
Number of routes: 1
Number of stops: 9
Total running time: 16 min.
Number of passenger vehicles: 10
Number of vehicles required for service: 2 (Sunday - Friday); 4 (Saturday)

Network map: 2013
Timetable 2013: Sunday - Friday Saturday

The “nostalgic” tram line project was meant to introduce street surface tramways in the city. A 1000 mm. line constitutes a single track with three passing points and a depot. It traverses the city center via a tramway-pedestrian only street, and extends into neighborhoods immediately to the east of the central area. The line was an immediate success with ridership surge that was dramatically underestimated. This prompted within a year after the line opened a decision to supplement the first order of 3 rebuilt two-axle Eastern German Gotha trams from the 1950s, with high-capacity articulated Western German Duewag cars from the 1980s, which look nothing like historic cars. Hence, the line evolved into a regular transit service. Two-axle older cars are only operated on Saturdays and Sunday mornings. The fare collection is via smart cards, the same as on modern trams and buses. A rush choice of the 1000 mm. gauge for the starter line with subsequent choice of the 1435 mm. gauge for consecutive high capacity tram lines, led to existence of two incompatible surface tramway systems within the same city.

Rolling Stock

A total of 10 vehicles:
Gotha T57 3 motor cars (1957-61), ex. Istanbul (2010-11), ex. Jena, Schöneiche (2003-06)
Duewag M6C 7 motor cars (1981), ex. Bochum (2012-13)

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Network Stats

Operator: Burulaş - Tramvay

Gauge: 1435 mm.
Tram system opened: 12.10.2013
Track length: 6,4 km. (one-way)
Number of routes: 1
Number of stops: 12
Number of vehicles required for service: 3

Network map: 2013

The first 1435 mm. conventional tramway line constitutes a large single track belt loop around the city center, with 2 passing points. One-way service in the counterclockwise direction only is operated. Bursa-built SilkWorm trams are used. Trams operate in mixed traffic, however, utilize a dedicated traffic lane. There is on crossing with the 1000 mm. “Nostalgic” tramway line.

Rolling Stock

Silk Worm (2012-13)

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Photo review


Network Stats

Operator: Burulaş - Bursaray

Gauge: 1435 mm.
System opened: 23.04.2002
Track length (one-way): 50,6 km. (2011); 66,4 km. (2014)
Number of routes: 2
Number of stops: 31 (2011); 38 (2014)
Running time: Route 1 - 38 min; Route 2 - 42 min.
Number of passenger vehicles: 103

Network map: 2013
Timetable 2013: Arabayatağı Üniversite Emek

A 1435 mm. Light Rail rapid transit line, often referred to as “Metro”. The line operates on 100% segregated right-of-way. A segment through the city center with four stations, as well as two other small segments are in tunnels. The rest of the system is on the surface, predominantly built via highway medians.

Rolling Stock

A total of 103 vehicles:
Siemens B80 48 cars (2001+)
Bombardier Flexity Swift Bursa B2010 30 cars (2010)
Duewag SG2 25 cars (1980-1984), ex-Rotterdam (2013)

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Photo review


The city of Bursa is notable for aggressive pro-tramway policies, encouraged by the mayor Recep Altepe, elected in 2004. The mayor has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and is also a President of the Healthy Cities Association of Turkey.


Bursa Complete Photo Archive

Last updated: 20-Oct-2013
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