[as of 2013 ]
~4000 BC
1 438 373 (2012)
Network Stats
Operator: Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi
Tram system opened:
01.03.2011 (Phase I); 16.09.2012 (Phase II); ~02.2014 (Phase III to be opened)
1435 mm.
Track length:
42 km. (one-way)
Number of routes:
Number of stations:
Total running time:
40 min.
Daily ridership:
30 000 (2013)
Number of passenger vehicles:
Number of vehicles required for service:
Network map (by iği):
Hours of operation:
6:20 - 23:00
Intervals (car usage):
peak 8 min. (11); off-peak 12 min. (7)
A continuously growing conventional tram system in a rapidly developing city. A good example of a cheaply but smartly implemented tramway project. A choice to employ heavily-rebuilt “look-like-new” second-hand cars from Europe was made to free up funds for additional infrastructure development. A separate rapid light rail system called Gaziray is planned via the existing east – west railroad corridor. Current somewhat odd routings of Phase I and Phase III segments are designed with transfers to the future Gaziray system in mind. The second larger depot is to be built east of the Akkent Terminal. Pre-boarding fare collection with fenced-off platforms. There is no official website for Gaziantep tramway, nor there is published schedule available. Photography of the system is not welcomed, even though the policy is not officially defined.
Rolling Stock
A total of
27 vehicles (+28 to be delivered 2013):
Duewag Pt, Duewag Ptb
27 (1972,1973), ex. Frankfurt am Main (2009,2012), heavily rebuilt (2010,2013)
Alstom TFS2
28 (1994), ex. Rouen (to be delivered 2013)
Photos on map
Phase I : Gar - Burç Kavşağı
The Gar - Burç Kavşağı line was operated in full until the opening of the Phase II to Akkent on 16.09.2012. After that the segment Üniversitesi - Burç Kavşağı was briefly operated with selected trips, but was soon abandoned in favor of increased service to Akkent.
Phase II : Üniversitesi - Akkent
The segment to Karataş - a rapidly developing district of modern apartment blocks.
Phase III : İbrahimli
The segment to affluent developments of apartment blocks in the northwest of the city, to be opened in early 2014.
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