Network description

Map with photo locations

18 genuine 1947 PCC cars were rebuilt by Brookville Equipment Corp. of Brookville, PA at a cost of $1.2 million each. A tour of the car is offered while it awaits scheduled departure at the Girard Av. / 63 St Terminal. (25.09.2005, YM)
Controls of so-called PCC-II car. (25.09.2005, YM)
A PCC car in operation. (25.09.2005, YM)
The cars were completely stripped down and rebuilt from scratch. The interior, however, was somewhat overmodernized. Strangely, some elements of the interior were meticulously preserved (for example, the original lightening), yet others were replaced by cheap modern substitutes that spoil the remaining authenticity (for example, the new seats, similar to modern LRVs). (25.09.2005, YM)
Thanks for riding with SEPTA. (25.09.2005, YM)
The new wheelchair lift is incredibly bulky and awkward to use... (25.09.2005, YM) requires drivers to unlock it from the inside of the car... (25.09.2005, YM)
...then walk outside, unfold the lift... (25.09.2005, YM)
...more unfolding... (25.09.2005, YM)
...and more unfolding... (25.09.2005, YM)
...still unfolding... (25.09.2005, YM)
...lower it down with external controls, load the passenger... (25.09.2005, YM)
...walk back inside to finish the process with internal controls, unfold the bridge to the lift... (25.09.2005, YM)
...unload the passenger and fold the lift back in. The pictured process took 12 minutes to load a passenger on the wheelchair. (25.09.2005, YM)
[ << Part 1 ] [ << Part 2 ] [ << Part 3 ]

[ Philadelphia ] [ USA ]

© 2002 Contents: Yury Maller. Presentation: Stefan Mashkevich. Usage of material found herein is permitted provided the source is mentioned. Usage for public display is possible with authors' permission only.
Last update 01-Oct-2005