Gallery 3

Artsybushevskaya Ul. - Michurina Ul. - Chernorechenskaya Ul.

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• Map with photo locations

3-01. Krasnoarmeyskaya Ul. / Artsebushevskaya Ul.
Tatra T-3 890 to the left. Line 1, Avrora-bound.
Tatra T-3 810 to the right. Line 18, Chapaevskaya-bound.
(21 Sep 2003, YM)
3-02. Artsebushevskaya Ul. / Krasnoarmeyskaya Ul.
Tatra T-3 810. Line 18, Chapaevskaya-bound.
This tram is promoting the tram and trolleybus driver profession.
(21 Sep 2003, YM)
3-03. Artsebushevskaya Ul. near Maykovskogo Ul.
Tatra T-3 869. Line 18, Tukhachevskogo-bound.
(21 Sep 2003, YM)
3-04a. Polevaya Ul. / Michurina Ul., in-front of Depot 1.
Tatra T-3 868. Line 18, Tukhachevskogo-bound.
Tatra T-3 775+776 in the back. Line 3, Yungorodok-bound.
(21 Sep 2003, YM)
3-04b. Polevaya Ul. / Michurina Ul., in-front of Depot 1.
Track transporter RT-21.
(2004, Pavel Piletskiy)
3-04c. Polevaya Ul. / Michurina Ul., Depot 1.
Tatra T-3 workcar 1002.
(23 Aug 2005, Andrey Kinyaev)
3-05. Chernorechenskaya Ul. / Moskovskaya Ul.
Tatra T-3 2089+2090. Line 3, Khlebnaya-bound.
(21 Sep 2003, YM)
3-05. Chernorechenskaya Ul.
Snow plough in operation.
(Mar 2005, Pavel Piletskiy)

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© 2002 Author: Yury Maller
Content: Yury Maller
Programming and presentation: Stefan Mashkevich
Usage of material found herein is permitted provided the source is mentioned. Usage for public display is possible with authors' permission only.