1-01. Trolleybus 10 is a standard ZIU-682G vehicle, pictured here at the main trolleybus routes' intersection at Schetinkina Ul. and Pushkina Ul. Almost all trolleybuses in the city carry some sort of advertisement. The trolleybus in the picture is serving route 3 Airport - Abakanskaya and is supposed to make a left turn onto Pushkina Ul., toward the Abakanskaya terminus. The regular route display is covered with the sign "To depot", thus the vehicle is actually about to turn right. All trolleybuses periodically divert from their regular routes to visit the depot for a lunch break. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-02. At the time this photograph was taken there were 3 newer VZTM-5284 vehicles on the property. These trolleybuses were a result of a rehab of older vehicles with the use of new bodies delivered from Volgograd. Trolleybus 43 shown here was delivered in 2002. There is a popular slogan written on the side of the vehicle that is taken from a well-known song: "Share your smile with others, and the smile will return to you..." This is one of only 2 trolleybuses that do not carry commercial advertisement. The vehicle is following route 1A, it is about to turn right from Schetinkina Ul. onto Pushkina Ul. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-03. The newest, as per the date of this picture, trolleybus 31 with the body of VZTM-5284 type is approaching the same intersection via Pushkina Ul. This vehicle appeared on the streets in August 2004, less than a month before the photo was taken. It is not painted in advertisement colors yet and retains the paint scheme applied by the manufacturer. Despite the fact that it is still relatively early in the morning, this trolleybus is headed towards the depot for a lunch break. After visiting the depot, 31 will soon return to the streets. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-04. Trolleybus 04 of ZIU-682 type is one of the oldest among the fleet of 22 vehicles that remain on the property as of the date of the photo. It is about to turn from Pushkina Ul. onto Schetinkina Ul., as it follows route 1A from Zoopark (the Zoo) to Preobrazhenskiy Sobor (the Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral). By spring 2005 this vehicle will be converted into VZTM-5284 trolleybus through the rehab with the use of the VZTM body. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-05. Trolleybus 12 is about to make the same turn as it serves the early morning run via route 4 Zoopark - Airport. (25.06.2003, Vladimir Podkorytov)
1-06. A winter scene at Schetinkina Ul. / Hakasskaya Ul. One of the newest ZIU-682G trolleybuses 34 is headed north toward the Preobrazhenskiy Sobor Terminus via route 1A. (02.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
1-07. The last trolleybus of ZIU-682G type delivered to the city, number 44, heads back toward the city. All trolleybuses delivered after this one were of VZTM or BTZ models. The picture is taken on Schetinkina Ul. in the city center area, the forest in the background is actually the park in the middle of Pervomayskaya Square. (02.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
1-08. Another trolleybus serving route 1A is headed toward the Preobrazhenskiy Sobor Terminus as it crosses the intersection of Schetinkina Ul. and Chertygasheva Ul. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-09. Trolleybus 43 returns from Preobrazhenskiy Sobor and heads back toward the city centre. The vehicle is pictured upon completing a turn from Druzhby Narodov Pr. onto Schetinkina Ul. The "Druzhba" Hotel in the background culminates the view at the end of Schetinkina Ul. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-10. Trolleybus 45 of VZTM-5284 gets confused as it unexpectedly comes upon a photographer around the corner, and barely makes a turn from Druzhby Narodov Pr. onto Kati Perekreschenko Ul. The vehicle serves route 5A and is about to follow a one-way loop around the Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral via the newest extension built in the 4-y Mikrorayon neighborhood. This trolleybus was delivered in 2002 and unlike the other new VZTM vehicles does carry advertisement. The very first line via Druzhby Narodov used to end at this intersection. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-11. The same trolleybus 45 passes through herds of private midi-buses at the terminus of Preobrazhenskiy Sobor, also known as 4-y Mikrorayon. There is a major city market near by, right next to the Cathedral. The citywide ratio of private diesel buses of various sizes to trolleybuses is 11.5 to 1. At the same time the trolleybus service is not predictable. A long wait for a trolleybus could be rewarded with a few vehicles arriving at the same time, which is evident from this picture, as the next trolleybus could be seen following 45 in the background. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-12. The new extension to Preobrazhenskiy Sobor is potentially a highly effective project. It serves the market and smartly encircles a few city blocks of recently erected apartment blocks. The new loop also provides an option for a short turn for half of the trolleybuses that serve the line to the Airport, which lost some popularity over the recent years. The shorter versions of routes 3 and 5 are labeled 3A and 5A respectively, route 1A became a shorter variant of route 4. Trolleybus in the picture follows the new one-way loop as it turns from Torgovaya Ul. onto Torosova Ul. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-13. VZTM-5284 50 is one f the newest trolleybuses as of the date of this picture, delivered 03.2005. The front of this specimen is different from the unique front of VZTM-5284 vehicles delivered earlier, but the model designation is the same. The trolleybus completes a turn from Torosova Ul. onto Druzhby Narodov Pr., at the end of the loop. The Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral is in the background. (02.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
1-14. The rear of VZTM-5284 vehicles looks exactly like the rear of ZIU-682. Trolleybus 50 at the same intersection as above. (02.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
1-15. Trolleybus 09 is coming back toward the city centre via Druzhby Narodov Pr. upon the completion of a short trip via new one-way loop around 4-y Mikrorayon. The Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral is showcasing in the background. Trolleybus 09 in the picture is supposed to serve route 1A, but it completes yet another run to the depot for lunch. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-16. Trolleybus 07 is completing a loop around the square at the end of Druzhby Narodov Pr., which marks the entry into the city. Route 1 used to terminate here for a number years before the Preobrazhenskiy Sobor loop was built. The housing area begins to the south of the square, thus trolleybuses serving route 1 used to run to the square empty. The vehicle in the picture is headed from the airport toward the city centre via route 4. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-17. The same vehicle is pictured during a short layover at the Airport terminus. The airport building is in the background. In 2004 routes 3, 4 and 5 terminated here. This line could be considered a suburban line, as it terminates beyond the official city boundary. The plan to take trolleybuses even further north, to the neighboring city of Chernogorsk, never materialized. (13.09.2004, YM)
1-18. Trolleybus 07 is departing the Airport terminus via the nameless boulevard leading to Druzhby Narodov Pr. On the date when this picture was taken there was an unusual number of vehicles operated by student drivers. (13.09.2004, YM)