Gallery 3

The New Line to Polyarnaya.
The Depot.

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Map with photo locations

3-01. The opening of the new line to Polyarnaya. The first trolleybuses to traverse the line are the newest at the time BTZ-5276-04 15 and VZTM-5284 04. This photo is taken at the beginning of the line via Marshala Zhukova Ul. (29.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
3-02. Trolleybuses 15 and 04 at the new Polyarnaya loop on the day of the line's opening. Boris Dizhenin, director of MUP "Trolleybusnoe Upravlenie", is on the right. (29.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
Two newest trolleybuses of ZIU-682G type numbered 34 and 35 are posing at the depot. (25.06.2003, Vladimir Podkorytov)
ZIU-682G 06 at the depot. (08.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)
VZTM-5284 vehicles at the depot. (02.12.2005, Vladimir Borodin)

[ World ] [ Russia ] [ Abakan ] [ Facts ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

© 2002 Author: Yury Maller
Content: Yury Maller, Vladimir Borodin, Vladimir Podkorytov
Presentation: Stefan Mashkevich
Usage of material found herein is permitted provided the source is mentioned. Usage for public display is possible with authors' permission only.