1-01. Southbound train serving route D at the Convention Center / Performing Arts Station at the southern tip of downtown area. Trains stop literally inside the building of the Convention Center. The destination sign says '18th Street', which identifies each 2nd downtown-bound trip that short turns via the downtown loop, without going to the northernmost terminal of 30th Avenue. Yet, this train just finished circling downtown and is already set for the outbound trip to Littleton / Mineral Station. The latter destination is the only one possible, thus the destination sign becomes unnecessary and driver did not bother to change it. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-01. Northbound train leaves the Convention Center Station and enters downtown. The destination sign reads 'Mineral', which happens to be... an outbound destination. This train is about to follow the same short turn route via the downtown loop as the train in the photo above. Yet, instead of '18th Street', this train likes the sign 'Mineral' better. This is supposed to warn northbound passengers along the downtown loop that the train's intent is not to follow a complete route to 30th Avenue, but to turn around and go back south. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-02. This train, photographed 3 years earlier, settled on the same destination sign technique as the one above. The train turns from the Convention Center Station onto 14th St as it enters the downtown loop, but the destination signs reads 'I-25 / Broadway', which was the southernmost terminal of the very first line. I-25 / Broadway is currently a major mid-point destination on the Littleton Line. Thus, this train either operates in supplement service that only follows part of the line, or completes a depot run. The letters identifying routes are not used yet as there are not too many routing options so far, the Central Platte Valley Line will open 3 weeks later on April 5, 2002. The leading car 101 is the oldest car in the fleet of Siemens-Duewag SD100 high-floor articulated cars operated by RTD. (14-Mar-2002, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-02. Three-car downtown-bound train snakes around the same curve at Stout St / 14th St. The use of 2-car vs. 3-car trains on the Central Corridor D line appeared to be completely arbitrary, as both arrangements were noted on runs destined to 18th St and 30th Ave alike. This train is about to complete a shorter run to 18th St only. Timetable does not distinguish between longer and shorter trains either, as a standard headway is used for all runs. Yet, the majority of trains on the D line during rush hour run in 3-car consists. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-03. The next northbound train consists of 2 cars, but will operate a complete route to 30th Ave. This photo is taken on 14th St between Stout St & California St. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-04. Southbound train approaches 14th St via Stout St from downtown. Both northbound and southbound tracks of the downtown loop have been laid on one-way Stout St and California St 'the wrong way', thus making cars meet trams head-on. This is considered a safer traffic engineering approach, as automobile drivers face trams, which makes them more alert and aware of the tram's presence. This approach is used by many newly built North-American light rail systems. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-05. Southbound train approaches the busiest 16th / Stout Station via partially segregated right-of-way on Stout St. All traffic lanes are leading northbound, in the opposite direction. 16th Street is turned into the Mall with hybrid electric / CNG buses running along the pedestrian thoroughfare. Trains are coupled rather unsystematically into consists with numbers such as 107+135+104 in this photo. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-06. The rear of the southbound train amid the northbound traffic on Stout St at 17th St. The last car 146 happens to be one of the newest cars. It is coupled with older cars, thus comprising a consist 108+109+146. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-07. The next southbound train departs the 18th / Stout Station as it crosses 18th St. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-08. Southbound 2-car train turns from 19th St onto Stout St in front of the Custom House building. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-09. Northbound / 30th Avenue-bound 2-car train makes its way amid southbound traffic via California St, near the 18th / California Station. (14-Mar-2002, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-10. This train completes a short turn run by turning from California St on 19th St at the northern tip of the downtown loop. Tracks in the background continue north, toward 30th Avenue. (17-June-2005, YM)
1-11. A night scene near 16th and California. Note the two-car train, even in the late hours. (15-Mar-2002, Stefan Mashkevich)