5-01. 16th Street in downtown Denver is converted into a pedestrian mall with low emission hybrid electric / CNG buses running along the mall between the Union Station and the Civic Center. The line is officially known as the Free Mall Ride. This bus is pictured at Stout St, at a transfer point to the D light rail line. (17-June-2005, YM)
5-01. The following bus pulls to the 16th / Stout stop. 36 buses of this type are 100% low-floor with 4 wide doors. (17-June-2005, YM)
5-01. During the rush hour buses run as often as 1 and quarter minutes apart, thus there is a continuous flow of buses along the mall, with the next bus always in-sight. Buses stop at every city block, which is probably too often. It is hard to say whether such feature adds convenience due to accessibility, or inconvenience due to longer running times. Excessive overcrowding could be observed during rush hours and especially on Friday and Saturday evenings, as the Mall seems to be the only spot in downtown Denver that stays alive after the sun goes down. All of the above are clear indicators that this rubber-tired guideless semi-electric semi-low-emission monstrosity is asking to evolve into a tram / streetcar. (17-June-2005, YM)
5-02. The overall travel time via the 1 and quarter mi. mall is claimed to be 11 minutes, which never happens during the busiest hours. The Free Mall Ride bus crosses Union Pacific Railroad tracks upon entering the Union Station Terminal. (17-June-2005, YM)
5-03. Denver diesel buses at 19th St / Stout St. (17-June-2005, YM)