1-01. Car 108 stops at respectful distance prior to an unapproachable no-nonsense stub end at the end of the eastern track of the Warehouse District / Hennepin Ave Station, the Downtown Terminal. View from 1st Ave N. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-01. Colorful car 119 awaits scheduled departure on the western track of the Warehouse District / Hennepin Ave Station, the Downtown Terminal. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-02. Entering the Warehouse District / Hennepin Ave Station, the Downtown Terminal, via curvy western track at S 5th St / Hennepin Ave, in front of the Lumber Exchange Building. (11-May-2005, Mike Glikin)
1-02. Exiting the Warehouse District / Hennepin Ave Station, the Downtown Terminal, via the eastern track. Curves at the intersection of S 5th St / Hennepin Ave precede entry into the terminal. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-03. Northbound car switching tracks upon approaching the terminal via S 5th St between Nicollet Ave / Hannepin Ave. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-03. Complex traffic engineering solutions at S 5th St / Nicollet Ave (Nicollet Pedestrian Mall), north of the Nicollet Mall Station. Automobile traffic via S 5th St is allowed in the northbound direction only. At Nicollet Ave traffic splits into two northbound lanes at both sides of the tramway right-of-way. A cross-track maneuver by cars is controlled by traffic signals separate from those controlling trams. A two-car train with tail car 111 is heading south. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-04. Car 124 departs the Nicollet Mall Station as it heads northbound. The station occupies the eastern half of S 5th St roadway. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-05. Two-car train crosses Marquette Ave as northbound track shifts toward the curb upon approaching the Nicollet Mall Station. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-06. The same northbound two-car train crosses 2nd Ave S via S 5th St. The eastern half of the roadway is given over to pedestrians. The name and significance of the torch-bearing building in the background is to be determined, suggestions are welcome. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-07. Southbound two-car train enters the Government Plaza Station as it crosses S 3rd Ave via S 5th St in front of the grand City Hall building (built 1909). (10-June-2005, YM)
1-08. Northbound view along S 5th St offers a maze of sky-walkways that reveals the northern origin of the city. Similar networks of sky-walkways are emblematic of many Canadian cities in the north. Automobile traffic along S 5th St is allowed in the northbound direction only, but mostly via the western lane, thus making cars meet trams head-on. This is considered a safer traffic engineering approach, as automobile drivers face trams, which makes them more alert and aware of the tram's presence. This approach is used by many newly built North-American light rail systems. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-08. Two two-car trains meet at the Government Plaza Station. One city block between S 3rd Ave and S 4th Ave is occupied by the station and remains automobile-free, effectively making an entire tramway corridor via S 5th St unattractive for through traffic. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-09. Southbound train departs the Government Plaza Station, and crosses S 4th Ave in the shadow of the City Hall. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-10. Trains meet at the intersection of S 5th St / S 5th Ave. Northbound automobile traffic is allowed on both sides of tramway tracks, yet eastern traffic lane ends abruptly at S 5th Ave, sending out-of-state drivers to loop around a few blocks. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-11. Southbound train at S 5th St / Portland Ave with the city skyline behind it, dominated by futuristic techno-crown of the US Bank Plaza building. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-12. Tram 109 insists on moving southbound amid surrounding traffic that moves north on both sides of the tramway right-of-way, although eastern lane (left side in this photo) does not go far, and is mostly used by local traffic. This arrangement proves to be confusing for out-of-state drivers (author included) who usually find themselves in the eastern lane, when the western lane is occupied by Twin City's drivers only. Cross traffic is prone to most mistakes as turning south into the western lane of S 5th St is very tempting. All cross streets have 'no turn on red' signs posted. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-13. Southbound train crosses Chicago Ave at Kirby Puckett Pl, at which point it leaves the street-running section of the line along S 5th St and enters the segregated right-of-way. Hubert Humphrey Metrodome is in the background. (10-June-2005, Stefan Mashkevich)
1-14. Northbound train leaves the East Downtown / Metrodome Station. (10-June-2005, YM)
1-15. Approaching downtown via S 4th St near Norm McGrew Pl. Here tracks run briefly alongside the roadway on segregated right-of-way. From this point on gates are used at all intersections as far south as 50th St. (10-June-2005, YM)